Terms of Lease Not Followed – No surveyor’s Certificate Appropriately Served Rendering renders 6 years of service charge demands invalid

It is extremely important not to assume that a freeholder has the legal right to demand a particular service charge; you must check the lease first. In the case of a flat at Marina Heights, St Leonard’s on sea, 6 years of service charge demands were held invalid as the charges were not certified by a surveyor as required by the lease.

To read the rest of this article, click here.

RICS Spokesman reminds property purchasers of the importance of a home survey

For most people, the family home is both their greatest asset and largest investment. Choosing that home is likely to be one of the hardest decisions of your life and yet many people still enter into transactions without being fully aware of what they are buying.

To read the rest of this article, click here.

DIY man walls himself up in cellar of building

A German DIY enthusiast trapped himself in his cellar for two days after ending on the wrong side of a wall he was building.

The man, 64, was sealing off the cellar at his home in Gumperda, near Leipzig, to save on heating bills.

Police suspect he was too proud of his creation to knock it down, so he used a jackhammer to tunnel his way to freedom through his neighbour’s home.  Unfortunately, he had been feuding with the neighbours for months and as he emerged he was met by police who are considering charging him with disturbing the peace.

Source:  The Daily Telegraph 26th November, 2010

Homelessness – The Andrew Ludlow Awards

The annual Andrew Ludlow awards is a scheme that rewards the hard work of a short listed group of six innovative schemes, each aiming to tackle the problem of homelessness in London. With £50,000 available for a winner and two runners up, this is a valuable source of funds in the fight against destitution that, it seems, may only get harder.

To read more about why homelessness is becoming a serious issue for Great Britain, click here.