Moorings View is a privately accessed 1 or 2 bedroom apartment in Instow. Available to rent on a short term basis
If travelling via car, these are arrival details for Moorings View.
The address is Moorings View, Landfall, Anstey Way, Instow, EX39 4JF
When driving along the A39 Atlantic Highway, turn off at the Westleigh junction signposted Instow.
After passing the turning to Westleigh and then the entrance to Tapeley Park, both on the right hand side, you enter into the village of Instow.
Ignoring the turning to the left to the seafront and continuing along the road for approximately 120m, Landfall will be found on the left hand side.
From the road, Landfall looks like this:

Moorings View is the apartment on the top floor of Landfall. This is accessed via going through the copper gates into the courtyard and going to the door on the right hand side.
The entrance into the courtyard and the front doors of Landfall & Moorings View looks like this:

The parking area is to the side of the house and looks like this:

It is easiest to reverse in and please park where the silver car is parked which enables parking for Landfall residents beside your vehicle.
Further information about renting Moorings View is available at
You may also contact Liam on 07977 560 560.