If you’re 70 or over or on eligible benefits you could get free home insulation.
Home insulation could save a typical property owner hundreds of pounds a year on their energy bills – an average of £145 with loft insulation and an average of £110 with cavity wall insulation. If the person is 70 or over or on one of the benefits listed below they may qualify for free insulation.
How can it save me money?
Insulation locks in your heat, so you won’t need to have your heating on as much to stay warm. It’s not just a one-off saving either; it helps to save you money year after year.
What does the process involve?
Laying loft insulation is very straightforward and takes less than a day. Loft insulation is a thick material that is simply rolled onto the loft floor. Click here to see how to install insulation.
Cavity wall insulation is a filling blown into the cavity between the exterior walls. The process creates very little fuss or mess so the occupier can get on with their daily routine.  Caution should be taken with the type of filling.
How do I qualify for free home insulation?
If the home is no larger than an average four bed detached and the occupier is 70 or over, or on one of these benefits they may qualify for free home insulation:-
Attendance Allowance
Council Tax Benefit
Child or Working Tax Credit (income no more than £16,190)
Disability Living Allowance
Disablement Pension (includes Constant Attendance Allowance)
Housing Benefit
Income Support
Income-based Job Seekers Allowance
Income-related Employment and Support Allowance
State Pension Credit
War Disablement Pension (which includes Mobility Supplement or Constant Attendance)
Contact your energy supplier for more information or The Warm Front Scheme
19th April 2011