What is a Major Defects Report? Chris Newman may be able to help YOU!


What is a Major Defects Report?

IMGP2422A major Defect Report is similar in some respects to a building survey and a homebuyer survey. The level of inspection is usually between the two or close to the level of a building survey. However, the report itself is in less detail than a full building survey and concentrates on those more important and larger building issues.

A Major Defects Report is often useful where a homebuyer report should not be carried out due to the age or type of property, or if the property is listed.

roof collapseChris Newman FRICS will deal with you directly, giving free, impartial advice on choosing a service that fits your needs. He quotes flat fees, so if you need to discuss the building, structure and defects after you receive the report, this is free. There are no hidden costs.

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