Have you heard about our Chartered Surveyors in Crawley?


Worth_Church_CrawleyCrawley has been a settlement since the Stone Age, and the Romans had ironworks here. It lies within the Sussex Weald. Crawley has expanded by the creation of 13 new neighbourhoods, with new houses  – detached, semi-detached and terraced – and bungalows, but no tower blocks.

Contact us for advice on commercial surveys, home property surveys, party wall advice or other building or planning issues.

We offer building survey services that include the ‘RICS Homebuyer Report’, the ‘Full Building Survey’ and the ‘House Purchase Survey Report’. We have a survey to suit all building types and budgets; residential or commercial, large or small.

We will deal with you personally, giving you building survey advice; helping you to choose the right property survey for your home or business. Our fees are all inclusive so you can discuss the building, structure and property defects at any time.

Please telephone the Survey Desk to discuss your building survey or other property requirements.

01293 319 391

Connecting you to Independent Chartered Surveyors
…for all your building survey and property requirements